Gratitude list

I haven't done one of these in a here goes.

My friend TN, from college. A gentle soul and excellent listener.
My friend B, also from college. A free-spirited artist.
The full moon. There is one tonight, and there was also one when I was born. (I learned this in my astrology phase; when you look up your moon sign, you also find out the phase the moon was in.)
Magic. Not the magician kind, but life's capacity to delight and surprise.
New York City. It has its flaws, but has a special energy all its own.
Cupcakes! I don't have one every day, but I love 'em. And the city has enough cupcakeries to provide lots of variety.


Anonymous said…
What's the appeal of cupcakes over, say, a piece of cake? I'm curious because I always find that cupcakes with frosting always end up up my nose when I try to eat them, so I just go for regular cake. Now, I wonder if I'm missing out on something (other than frosting up the nose).
Bearette said…
Hehe - I never realized that could happen. I think the cupcakes are just smaller and cuter. More compact. Also, they seem to be more common, easier to find, than regular cake in nyc.

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