So I saw the Iron & Wine concert tonight. It was one of the best concerts I've been to. The music was lovely, and the singer was, well, *different* (in a fun way). Apparently he has a Ph.D. and was a music professor before his singing/guitar career took off. At one point he was singing, paused and said, "Oh, shit" (I guess he forgot the words, or fumbled them) and then picked up where he left off. Everyone cheered supportively.

One of the things I liked about the concert was, they didn't confuse "loud" with "good." They had interesting, poetic lyrics and beautiful melodies (only one dud in 2 hours).


Anonymous said…
You've definitely prompted me to go check them out on iTunes!
Bearette said…
Cool :) I like Our Endless Numbered Days the best of their albums/records/collections (not sure what to call them now that we are all on iTunes now).
judy in ky said…
That sounds nice. I think I would like that kind of concert.

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