So a new Trader Joe's opened up within walking distance. I went to check it out yesterday and was pleasantly surprised (their other space in New York is not great). This location was large, airy and filled with yummy, inexpensive goodies. So I bought some pumpkin pancake mix, stood in line and approached the cashier. She asked me if I'd ever tried it before. I said I hadn't, and asked, "Is it good?" She said yes, and then another woman working nearby asked what we were talking about. My cashier told her, and they giggled.

Walking home, I got paranoid. Maybe the mix was really terrible, and that was why they giggled. But I made the pancakes this morning, with sliced fresh strawberries and a drizzle of maple syrup, and they were really good.


Perplexio said…
My wife & I love Trader Joe's. There isn't one that close to us, but luckily there is near my in-laws about 7-10 miles down the road so we arrange our trips to Trader Joe's around visits to the in-laws.

It's one of the few places where we've been able to find Weetabix, one of my wife's favorite breakfast cereals.
Kalei's Best Friend said…
I shop at TJ's primarily because they are honest.. They will tell u what does and does not taste good... Does your Trader's have an area where they give out samples? that is the go to lady who would tell u if a product is good... she has to since she prepares the tasting for customers... btw, i've gotten a few good recipes from that gal... Also there is a vanilla cake mix that is heavenly!. if u add a layer of bananas w/melted butter then the mix, it tastes great!.
Bearette said…
Perplexio - is she British? Weetabix makes me think of England for some reason.

KBF - Thanks! The vanilla cake mix sounds really good. I don't think there's a sampling area at this one yet. But maybe they will open one.
Anonymous said…
Love Trader Joes.

Maybe the two cashiers did something kinky with the pancake mix. That's where my imagination went, anyhow...
Bearette said…
Ha! Perhaps.
Perplexio said…
Yes, my wife is British (although she's spent most of her life in the US and her accent is thus more midwestern than British). My FIL is British, my MIL is Kiwi, and my SIL is an American.
judy in ky said…
I wish we had Trader Joe's here. We had it in Philly and I really miss it.
I love pancakes with strawberries!
Bearette said…
Me too. I need to get more strawberries.
Anonymous said…
It was probably some inside joke. After working with 18-year-olds for 4 years, I've lost a lot of that paranoia. They laugh at everything.

I also heart TJ's in a big way. There are some downsides (don't know if they're all this way or just mine): almost everything is prepackaged, which means more waste and I can't control portion sizes; they don't carry a wide assortment of beans; and the size of their stores/parking lots. Despite those issues, I still shop there weekly.
Bearette said…
Yes, i think most of their stuff is prepackaged. But no high fructose corn syrup!

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