It's finished!

Happy Halloween, everyone.


Kalei's Best Friend said…
GOOD JOB!. That came out looking really nice.
Anonymous said…
It looks fantastic! So nice to see you in green. I need to knit something for myself in green sometime.
Bearette said…
Thanks, guys! Yes...I encourage green knitting.
SK said…
fantastic! You look good in green but I really like how pink looks on you :)
Bearette said…
I won't retire it then :)
Lisa said…
Love it! Great color. And it came out so great. Good job!
Bearette said…
Thanks :)
This Suzy said…
Looks great! Was the yarn verigated or was that something in the pattern?
Bearette said…
The yarn's variegated, but for some reason it looks more so in photos...

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