Monday meme

1. Do your pants get hung on a hanger or folded?

2. If you were stranded on an island, what three things would you need to have with you (not including humans or electronic devices)?
Books, knitting, food.

3. Where is the farthest you have traveled to?
Venice, Italy.

4. Do you live in a house, trailer or apartment?

5. What is your most hated household chore?
I actually don't hate household chores that much anymore. But laundry is the most cumbersome because you have to take all the clothes downstairs to the laundry room.


Kalei's Best Friend said…
Those are itty bitty needles... U are a good knitter...Can't wait to see the finish product!.
Bearette said…
Thanks! I love the color.
Anonymous said…
I don't mind the washing part of doing laundry, but I do hate the folding part. However, if I time it right, I do laundry while grading papers, and washing/switching/folding/repeat provides a nice break from reading all those essays.
Bearette said…
I would agree, folding is the worst! I kinda fudge that part.

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