My little pumpkin

Here is a picture of little E, heading to the toddler Halloween party:

I also got him a slice of pizza as a costume, but he refused to wear it. Fortunately, both outfits were cheap (and cute!) We got to the Halloween party, which was fun but chaotic. There was a single mom there with two kids whose problems seem to be piled deep and high. Her older daughter's tooth got knocked out the other day and the mother saved it in a plastic bag (which she had with her). She was hoping to find a pediatric dentist to re-attach it so her daughter wouldn't have a gap. But then she lost the bag with the tooth inside. I hope she finds it.

I finished Traveling with Pomegranates and have that feeling of mourning that accompanies the end of a good book. I started The Likeness by Tana French, which is a little dark, but good.


crystal said…
Ohmyga, I can't believe how big he is! Supercute!
Bearette said…
Thank you :) Yes, he's getting to be a big boy...
Roxanne said…
That is one cute little pumpkin! As far as I know, a knocked out tooth will die in an hour or two if it's not reattached. She'll most likely have to have a partial. :(
Bearette said…
Yikes. Is a partial like a crown? I hope things work out for her.
Kalei's Best Friend said…
If its a baby tooth, I know one dentist who would say " its a baby tooth" the heck would u attach it? Is putting the kid thru pain worth it?
btw, your son's hair is unbelievable... love those curls...
Bearette said…
It is a baby tooth, she's just concerned because the gap is right in front. But you're right, it's definitely better than losing an adult tooth :)
Roxanne said…
If it's a baby tooth then I'm almost positive the dentist would say leave it be. My niece jumped off of a couch hitting the coffee table and knocking out one of her front teeth at the tender age of 1 1/2 years. When her adult tooth grew in, it was perfectly straight. My sister (her mom) on the other hand lost her front tooth while playing "doggie" with my bro, holding the "leash" (jumprope) in her mouth. Her adult tooth unfortunately came in crooked causing her to have brace later on.

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