The Pile

Here are some books I bought tonight:

The first book, Hotel Iris, is written by a woman who is better known for The Housekeeper and the Professor, which was a spare, elegant, Japanese book. This one looks a little more twisted, but interesting.

The second book is one of those books about reading. Sometimes I avoid these, but I liked Shelf Discovery, from the same genre, very much.

The third book is an Orange Prize finalist and looked interesting, in a slightly rambly, random, Molly Bloom-ish way.

The fourth book is told from the point of view of a woman whose children have put her in some kind of a home. She writes her recollections of her youth in Missouri, interspersed with modern-day goings-on in the nursing home (romances, etc.) I have a kind of fascination with this. I think assisted living and nursing homes have some very interesting communities.


looks like u and i have the same addiction!.. i'm awaiting the trilogy that Steig Larsson has written prior to passing... 3 masterpieces coming from Amazon early June...
Bearette said…
I tried reading that first one, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, but I couldn't get past all the finance bits. So many people have liked it, though...I wonder if I'll end up reading it eventually.

Yes, we definitely share that addiction :)
I had a hard time reading "Hawaii" by Michener.. I put it down and picked it up 6 mos. later.. and it must of been the frame of mind I was in.. I bet u will pick it up again..

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