The Pile

Here it is:

I'm a little grumpy because E has a cold, which made him wake up, quite unhappy, a little before 5 am. He went back to sleep, but I didn't. And now I am coming down with said cold. But this, too, shall pass. I hope :)


Squeeze a wedge of lemon in hot water add some honey.. it will help.. it got rid of my bad head cold...Hope u gave E. some gummybear echinasea...( i know i spelled it wrong lol).. Bet he bounces back faster- kids have great immune systems.
Bearette said…
Thanks for the tip. Sounds tasty too. Funny, i was just reading your blog :)
Caro said…
You just made want to go out and buy a new book.
Bearette said…
I hope you do :) It always puts me in a better mood.
This suzy said…
I hope you both feel better soon!
Bearette said…
Thanks, Suzy!
G said…
I am jealous of your book pile! I have no time to read between work and the 2 tornadoes keeping me on my toes...haha.

I've been trying to read at night after the kids are down, but I keep falling asleep after about 2 minutes. Oh well.
Bearette said…
I kind of sneak it in when he's napping or watching Elmo :)
BabelBabe said…
have you already read Beach Street Knitting and Yarn blah? it's the first one of needles and Pearls.

also, I love that title - It Could Be Worse, you Could Be Me.
Bearette said…
I did, I read that one :)

I like it, too. She seems very snarky...

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