More knitting, hipsters and books

Here is the first Alice's Mitt I finished. I actually liked it better than the Fetching pattern from Ravelry. I thought it was simple and elegant. Best of all, no thumb! You just slip the first stitch of each row to create the gap that your thumb fits through. I don't remember when in the movies Alice wore these mitts...I remember a scene from New Moon where she and Bella are driving to meet the Volturi. Maybe it was then. My book drought has ended. I started The Lonely Polygamist by Brady Udall. It has all the intrigue of Big Love , without getting bogged down in cult politics. This book is just focusing on the family. I can see the appeal of having sister wives...they would pick up the slack in a number of areas, including housework and child care. Also, I was mulling over hipsters while having lunch with Poppy yesterday. I am intrigued by how they wear vintage shirts, play vinyl records and actually use Polaroid cameras...everything old is new again. I think nostalgia is a...