Wow, I went through a whole week without blogging. That's bad. But I guess that's what it's like when you have a kid.

I joined the toddler group in my building. This means we can use the toddler room. But when we went there today, it was closed for renovations. E knew exactly what he was missing out on and let me know about his displeasure as we left the building. I was able to distract him with a visit to the park. He had fun pushing his stroller around the park - one of his favorite pastimes.

One of my favorite babysitters moved to Vermont. She was about as excited about the move as I was. She's really good with E and loves him. But her boyfriend might come back to NYC for law school next year. So we'll see.

E is sleeping great - 9 pm to 7:30 am last night. And he's taking a language/music class in Spanish. I wanted French, because that's what I know, but the location near me didn't have it. I'm picking up some Spanish, though. Now I know that "manzana" means "apple."


Poppy said…
Moved TO Vermont?

Oh my.

Wrong directly, lady!

Poppy said…
Oops, *direction
Bearette said…
Her bf wanted to save $ so they can go to Paris in the spring - they can live rent free in VT. She prefers NY, though...and loves E.
Anonymous said…
I think it's so great that E's in that Spanish class. It amazes me how quickly and easily little kids pick up language. I would love to be in that stage of development throughout my adult life!
Caro said…
Hee - I go months without blogging. You are doing great.

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