So I took E to his Spanish music class today. I skipped last week because he fell asleep in his stroller en route. Anyway, this week there were only 3 kids including E (a lot of attrition from the first week, when there were 7 or 9 kids). I remembered a kid coughing like he had the croup at the 1st class, and of course he was in attendance. In the middle of class, he threw up on the padded surface that the toddlers walk and crawl on. Then his nanny pressed her hand to his forehead and announced: "He's hot." She explained that she brought him to the doctor and "it was just a cold." But he's been sick for at least 2 weeks.

I was livid...especially when E felt a little warm when we got home, although I gave him some Tylenol and it was probably teething-related. But if you know your kid (well, she was his nanny, but still) is sick, WHY BRING HIM TO CLASS? I wrote a note to the center explaining about the vomit, cough and labored, phlegm-y breathing, and suggested that they institute a policy insisting that kids stay home when they're contagious.

It's a good thing E is not in daycare. I'd be getting pissed off every week. As it is, I'm skipping next week, because the kids all touch the same maracas, stuffed duck, etc. I applied Purell to E's hands and my own 3 times after class.

Okay, you may think I'm overreacting a little. But E has only been sick once and I'd like to keep it that way. It just annoys me when people are inconsiderate.


Anonymous said…
sometimes kids are contagious before they have any symptoms. but in this case, I can't understand why the nanny brought him to class when he was so obviously not well. Bad call.
This suzy said…
I'd be livid too, in your shoes. Liz is right, people - not even just kids - are contagious before they're showing any symptoms. But once you (or your kid) is clearly sick, then STAY HOME!!
Judy in KY said…
I don't think you overreacted at all. I would have done the same thing. I agree about daycare, too.
judy in ky said…
That was me, above. I forgot to sign in to Blogger.
Bearette said…
I was wondering who the mysterious Judy not-from-KY was :)
Poppy said…
I live here with you, trust me when I say I understand. I can almost SEE the germs everywhere right now.

Hope E stays swine flu-free!!
Caro said…
Yuck. Poor Sean is forever catching everything so I completely understand you. Unfortunately, his school is pretty bad about wanting your kid to attend unless they are running a temp. It's crazy.

WV is gremins. ha ha.

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