So I took E to the park today. It's one of my favorite playgrounds in Manhattan. It's shaded by leafy trees and there are a variety of things to do. E particularly likes this elephant that you can sit in and rock back and forth. While E communed with the elephant, a cherubic blue-eyed blonde in a billowing white dress opened her mouth and roared.

"What powerful lungs for such a little girl!" I observed.

Her mother said, "I know! He's actually a boy - I put him in a dress, it's terrible."

I thought that was funny. She then revealed that he was her only child. So I'm not sure why she had a dress in his size, but whatever.

After taking a step a few nights ago, E is back to crawling, standing in the middle of the room, and "creeping" (walking while holding onto stuff). My mom told me my brother was a late walker too (16 months), but he walks pretty well now.


Anonymous said…
I'm so happy E's on his way to walking unsupported, though. He'll get the hang of it soon I'm sure. I'm a little hung up on the woman who put her son in a dress. I think I would have had to pry for the story behind that one. Did she intentionally buy the dress to put her son in? Maybe pants give him a rash? I'd be roaring too if I were him :)
Bearette said…
I was curious, too. I really liked the roar. It was empowering (empowered?)
judy in ky said…
That's funny (and a little strange) about the roaring boy in the billowing dress. Maybe getting ready for Halloween?
Bearette said…
One of those unsolved mysteries...
Anonymous said…
Yay, E!

L wore a dress when he was baptized, but I don't think I'd dress him that way for a trip to the park. But whatever makes people happy, I guess...
Caro said…
LOL at the comment about your brother.

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