E's favorite word is "book." Sometimes when he wakes up, he sits in his crib and says it. He puts a little extra emphasis on the k: BooK, booK.

Today at the toddler room, where I can basically sit on my butt as he plays with the toys and pushes trucks around the room, he spotted the bookshelf. "BooK, booK!" he started to chant. My heart sank when I saw the selection. We have great children's books at home, but these were, um...let's just say there was a biography of Ronald Reagan. I don't want E to grow up thinking that ketchup is a vegetable! ;)


Roxanne said…
I was always disappointed in the selection of books at doctor's offices. Mostly Disney (not literature) and other character types. I took a Children's Lit. class and have been book snobbish ever since. ;) I think that's great that your apartment building has playrooms for the children. What a great way to meet the neighbors and form a community. (got it in the right spot this time, hehe)
judy in ky said…
Some of our Presidents are not very good examples of healthy eating. Wasn't it George Bush (the first) who hated broccoli?
Bearette said…
I think you're right. Fortunately, E likes it...
Anonymous said…
a biography of Ronald Reagan in the toddler room?

Do you have the book Little Gorilla? L loves that one- he roars when he sees the lion, and laughs when Little Gorilla gets big.
Bearette said…
Weirdly enough, yes. It was called "Who Was Ronald Reagan?" I don't have that one, but it sounds cute :)
Anonymous said…
Naturally. What toddler doesn't want to read about Ronald Reagan? :) I do think it's cute when kids like books and are attracted to them just sitting on a shelf. It's inspiring.
Caro said…
Ketchup isn't a vegetable? I'm crushed. Next thing I know you'll say there is no Santa Claus. Don't go there!
BabelBabe said…
are you allowed to contribute books? Maybe you could donate a few so there's some decent ones there? cuz i am with you re: Reagan : )

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