Well, we're moved in, but it's not entirely pretty. It's like a molting larva in its cocoon, I think...not quite finished. The apartment itself is lovely, but it's full of boxes and STUFF. Even after my extensive closet cleaning, there are things I never knew we had (they must have predated me). Hopefully E will sleep well tonight in his new surroundings. He just discovered a bit of Velcro underneath a cabinet door, ripped it off and is playing with it.

Our move got interrupted. One of the rules of our co-op (I'm sure there is a rule book somewhere, as long as the OED or Encyclopedia Britannica) is that you have to be done moving in by 5. We got permission to go till 5:30. But there are still 25 boxes left to be moved in.

In other high jinks, the movers had to temporarily remove the door to our old apartment, in order to get the refrigerator through.


Anonymous said…
congrats on being moved in! Can't wait to see pics.

(I always loved unpacking after each of our moves when I was growing up. 'course, it's different when you're the kid and not the parent)
Bearette said…
it's kind of grisly - i have shorts and old maternity jeans, but no pants I can use. i hope they bring the other 25 boxes soon...
This suzy said…
Having to stop moving that early in the day seems a little loony to me. Do you know the reasoning behind that rule?
Bearette said…
Suzy - i'm not sure, but they are definitely loony :) one explanation might be - a security guard watches the truck all day to make sure no one steals anything, and he might not want to work later than 5. also, the movers kind of take over one of the elevators in the building, so maybe they want them to be done so as not to interfere w/ ppl coming home from work.
judy in ky said…
Moving was such an ordeal for me. I couldn't stand not knowing where anything was. The day after our move I heard one of the boxes chiming. It was my favorite clock, calling out to me! I almost cried with joy to hear its familiar sound.
Bearette said…
I like the idea of a chiming box :) I'm finding more and more things (including a sweater, turtleneck and 2 dresses I thought I threw away years ago - I was happy to reunite with them) but a few things seem to be lost in the shuffle. E.g., my monkey-shaped vegetable peeler.
Anonymous said…
I was happy to find my pants yesterday too. I've been wearing the same pair for a while now (I had another pair with me, but they needed to be ironed and the iron was, well, packed). I was also happy to see more underwear arrive because our washer and dryer haven't arrived yet, and I was getting seriously low!

I hope you made some good progress today.
Bearette said…
More underwear is a good thing ;)

I'm a little peeved because I can't find 2 new Eric Carle books that a friend gave E as a birthday gift. Hopefully they'll turn up.

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