So when D and I moved, we went a little further away from the heart of the action. I thought I'd like being on a quieter street. I do like it, but find myself missing the sociality of my old building. Of course, I don't miss the porter. He used to get in my face and yell, "WHEN YOU MAKE ANOTHER?" (which means: "When are you having another child?") He had nine children or something, but was not in regular contact with most of them.

But there are a number of people I miss from the old building:

  • Abu and his father. Abu was a fluffy Pomeranian who got a short haircut for the summer.
  • Pinocchio and his father. Pinocchio is a dachshund who joined the building 6 years ago.
  • A woman and her dachshund. She doesn't actually live there, but visits her mother in the building. Her mother doesn't know she has a dog. This woman loves, loves, loves E.
  • A guy who always says, "My friend!" when he sees E.


judy in ky said…
I feel that way about people I used to see on a daily basis when i was working in the city. The doorman at our office building always had a smile and a greeting. One year I gave him a card on Valentine's day. There were many others, whose names I didn't know, but always smiled and said "Good morning".
Caro said…
I'll bet very soon you will find some enjoyable characters at your new place.
Roxanne said…
I'm with Caro. It's still sad to let go of the characters that you were so used to seeing and enjoying on a daily basis.
Anonymous said…
After a while you'll get accustomed to the quietness of the new place. If you were to go back, you'd probably be annoyed with how many people were around. Or maybe it's just a case of the grass is always greener. Something tells me you'll have no problem finding some quirks at your new place :)
Poppy said…
Congrats on being done moving! In time your characters enrich your life just as much as the last set. :)

I hope last Saturday was a blast, I was in the process of getting my very first speeding ticket when it began. Good times, good times.
Bearette said…
Oh, man. How much? The party was fun :)

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