So today is E's birthday. I know it's ridiculous, but I feel like he's growing up too fast. I remember reading in the No-Cry Sleep Solution how the sleepless nights would later take on a "romantic haze" in recollection. I thought: Yeah, right. But I can see what they mean. Soon he'll be a toddler...then he'll have a girlfriend...then he'll go off to college...I can see what the empty nesters get upset about.


This suzy said…
Happy Birthday, E!

I really can't believe it's been a year already. I love how we all get to be a distant part of watching him grow up! :)
Reighnie said…
No way has it been a year!

Too fast.

Happy Birthday E!
Lisa said…
Happy Birthday, E!
Roxanne said…
Happy Birthday little E!!!

It definitely does go fast. We're already counting down the last 2 years til our oldest graduates high school. And as of today my baby is going to be in Junior High. Boo... :(

btw, loving E's curls. :)
Bearette said…
Thanks, all. Roxanne - how are those teenage years?
Caro said…
Happy belated birthday E. They DO grow too fast. All you can do is enjoy the cuddles and hang on for the ride.
Irene said…
Give your handsome buy a huge birthday kiss for me! :p
Anonymous said…
happy birthday, E!

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