So I am back in NYC after almost two weeks. What started as a simple trip to celebrate E's birthday with my family changed when 2 of my aunts died within a week of each other. One aunt was on my mom's side, age 81; the other was on my dad's side, just a week shy of her 93rd birthday. At my Aunt M's funeral, I did the first reading, and E was fascinated by the church music. However, he did a loud raspberry at the end of one of the priest's statements. Both deaths were expected, but sad nonetheless.

We came back to the new apartment and it did still smell a bit like paint. But we opened all the windows and the air seems fresher now. E is truly knocked out - he fell asleep sans bath or fresh diaper. (Note: it's not that unfresh; his poop of the day (POTD) is already behind us. So at most, he has a little pee in there.)

I have to take him to the pediatrician on Thursday. I haven't been there since January. I'm not really looking forward to it. I dislike going to doctors in general, though this one is much nicer than his predecessor. Plus, E is getting a whole mess of shots - the one-year vaccinations. Wish me luck.


BabelBabe said…
don't forget the preemptive Tylenol.
blackcrag said…
I am sorry to hear about your aunts.

You are in for a treat after all the injections. One very grumpy baby. I suugest warmed milk for him, so he can sleep it off, and cool whisky for you.

Good luck!
Bearette said…
BB - I will try to remember to bring it in the diaper bag.

BC - Cool whiskey - that sounds good. I haven't had booze in a long time.
Anonymous said…
I'm sorry about your aunts.

L's POTD always seems to come at 5 a.m. Sigh.
Bearette said…
That *is* early :( E's POTD is MIA today :)
This suzy said…
I'm sorry about your aunts. Like you said, even when it's expected, it's still sad.

Good luck with the shots!
Bearette said…
Suzy - thanks!

Liz - the POTD finally arrived.
judy in ky said…
Good luck to both you and E at the doctor appointment. Warmed milk and cool whisky... maybe I should try that next time I have to go to the doctor!
Caro said…
I'm sorry about your aunts.

POTD is a cool expression. Sean Jr has about 3 POTD's.
Bearette said…
Oh no. I was hoping to stay with one :) I guess they increase over time.

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