So D, E and I saw Rainer today. If you've been reading my blog for a while, you know that Rainer is an exceptional cat and a long-time friend. If you haven't, Rainer is a tabby who lives in a Brooklyn bookstore. Because of distance, pregnancy, childbirth and the whole megillah (a little Yiddish has rubbed off on me after living in NYC so long), I haven't seen Rainer since January '08. When we got to the bookstore today, the owner (also known as Rainer's father) said, "Hi!" I saw Rainer's friend, Hayes, napping on the counter. I asked, "Does Rainer still live here?" The owner nodded, but seemed a little uncertain. Then he told me that Rainer had had cancer. The tumor spread, and now he only has three legs. But he's getting around fine and feeling much better. I saw Rainer then, sleeping peacefully on a box. When he woke up, he came over and sat in my lap. Just like old times.