Top to bottom


judy in ky said…
Gorgeous eyes, adorable little feet. Where is his little white bunny?
Bearette said…
The bunny is temporarily out of the rotation; E's been into a little blanket shaped like a dog :)
blackcrag said…
Lil cutie! Harumph, I mean, he is a beautiful baby, Bearette. Very alert.
Poppy said…
ACK, so adorable!!!!
Anonymous said…
Methinks it's more like "top and bottom." I think the "to" is missing :)

Blanket shaped like a dog? How cool. Our friends have a little blanket/bear thing; it's a bear head with no body, just a small blanket attached to it. It's kind of cute and kind of creepy.
Bearette said…
You're right :)

Our blanket isn't creepy. It has a little dog head and then there's a blanket attached. Ok, that sounds creepy, but it's cute.
Caro said…
What a dilemma.

I can't decide whether I want to kiss his cheeks or his toes.

Ah, what the heck - both!

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