So we're going to Boston this weekend for E to meet my extended family. My mother had to rent a room for it because there are a ton of people on her side. I'm hoping E will enjoy it and not melt down. And, and, will be his first train ride. Yes, I'm a little anxious and that made me have insomnia last night -- even though E slept a bunch, I did not benefit a bit.

It's probably time for that lobotomy.

In other news, they're making a movie out of the book Towelhead. I'm shocked it doesn't have an NC-17 rating. I guess they did some artful editing to squeak by with an R.


Anonymous said…
Let me know how that lobotomy goes. I need one too.

I'm sure the train ride will be just fine.
Bearette said…
I will ;)
This suzy said…
Somehow I imagine that babies would generally do well on trains because of the rocking motion. Of course, that's just my guess. lol
Bearette said…
That's probably true :) He seems to like being in motion...
judy in ky said…
What happened to your photo?
Bearette said…
i got sick of it. i might put another one up eventually. but it's kind of fun to be incognito.

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