Just slept for a good chunk of time, then I had to get up and pump. Finished watching Sex and the City (the movie). Really enjoyed it. I didn't get a chance to see it in the theaters because I gave birth 4 days after it came out.
D pretends not to like SATC for some reason. Maybe he thinks it would be unmanly. But he came over and watched the ending and then peppered me with questions. No one can resist well-done cheese. At one point, it almost brought tears to my eyes...Carrie behaved unselfishly for the first time ;)
D pretends not to like SATC for some reason. Maybe he thinks it would be unmanly. But he came over and watched the ending and then peppered me with questions. No one can resist well-done cheese. At one point, it almost brought tears to my eyes...Carrie behaved unselfishly for the first time ;)
DH was probably one of seven guys in the entire theater - it was mostly girlfriends all dressed up. I wanted to yell, "MY HUSBAND WAS THE ONE WHO PUSHED TO SEE THIS MOVIE!" I really enjoyed it, though. :)
Uh, me neither.
It was the scene where she took the subway to Miranda's house. It was the first time I remembered her being as giving to her friends as they are to her.