Dreaming of Maui

I've been thinking of going to Maui for a while, and these pictures only fed my wanderlust.

Unfortunately, a grueling flight with a baby is probably a bad idea. Although our friend R told us Hawaii is very family-friendly...lots of couples, some with children. Has anyone traveled long-distance with a baby and lived to tell the tale?

If it weren't so far away, I would have gone there already!

Also, I'm really enjoying the book I'm reading - Nice To Come Home To by Rebecca Flowers. It's a relief because the last few books I read weren't so good.


Anonymous said…
My friend took her 1 1/2-year-old to Cancun from NY this past spring. She's been traveling with him since he was born, so I guess he's kind of used to it. I think her motto is that whatever fuss it causes, it's still worth it. I suppose every baby is different, though. Her boy doesn't like to be held, so she's learned that he needs his own seat.
Bearette said…
Interesting! E loves being held. It's his second favorite thing (after eating).
judy in ky said…
I'm not that crazy about flying, but if anyone suggests flying to Hawaii, I'm there! It's so worth it!
I haven't done it with a baby, but I do see many families with babies and small children going there.
Roxanne said…
We took a 6 week road trip with Nate when he had just turned 1yo. I know that's a bit different than a long plane trip as we could stop whenever we needed to give him a break. For what it's worth though, the trip was a great success.

I've heard the same things about Maui about it being family friendly.
G said…
We just got tix to LA for Thanksgiving. We are incredibly dumb to do this, but we'll be taking N of course. It will be interesting and I'll be sure to give you some pointers.
Caro said…
I traveled with an 18 month old.

It was the power of the boob. Hee.

I think it would have been even easier had he been younger. Then he wouldn't have wanted to run around.
Bearette said…
Good point!

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