Shake that bootie

I just finished knitting another bootie. I like this one better than the first pair I made. And yes, another one is on the way (although I probably won't take a picture, since it'll look the same ;)


Poppy said…
*giggle* I can't get over the title.
Anonymous said…
I used to dance to that song when I was little. My parents had an old 45 and I used to play it on my Fisher Price record player. :)
Elsa said…
So tiny!!

BTW, I just got back from San Fran and tried Mama's on your recommendation and it was AWESOME! I love the place and fantastic french toast - YUM! And freshly squeezed orange juice which is always nice. I had to wait about 30 minutes in line, but well worth it. Thanks for the tip!
Bearette said…
It's the best!! It always has a line, unfortunately :(
This suzy said…
Such cute little things!!
Silverstar said…
Aww, so cute! I like the blanket with the butterflies too. :)
Roxanne said…
So cute! Don't you love those small projects that go super fast? (I do!)

I shook my bootie to that song just yesterday! I was playing the CD with the daycare kids and we were all shaking our little booties!
Bearette said…
Roxanne - Yes, i love small projects. the blanket is taking forever!
Tracy said…
Now it's stuck in my head...
and my bootie won't stop shaking in the chair.
Caro said…
What a cute bootie you have. LOL

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