Much ado about nothing

So I was really stressed about my appointment with Dr. ____ today. You may remember, my regular doctor warned me that he would say I had gained too much weight, though she told me she wasn't concerned at all and she gained more weight than me in her pregnancy and she even pointed out that she is 7 inches shorter (which was nice of her. My doctor rocks.) So, anyway, because I'm such a non-anxious person, I got worked up about the visit. I've always been pretty healthy and never been chastised about my weight or whatever. So I was dreading it.

But I got there and he was very mild-mannered and nice. Other than the fact that his exam room was hotter than Hades (I was dabbing at my face, neck and arms with damp paper towels before he got there; his sink actually had foot pedals), it was fine. He saw my Lemony Snicket book and told me how his daughter likes that series. He said I was measuring perfectly (they measured my belly). I stiffened when he said, "You had a big weight gain a few visits back...", but then he concluded, "You didn't gain anything on this visit, so it looks fine." And that was the worst of it.

Now I just have to get through the strep B test on the next visit. He was reassuring about that, too, saying that the test is "not uncomfortable." I had read that 25% of women are strep B positive, but he said in his experience it's more like 60% and not to worry if I turn out to be positive. Of course I'm a little worried, because they give you penicillin during labor if you're positive, and I thought I was allergic to penicillin, though Mom says I'm not. But I'll just bring it up with my doctor next time. There must be some way of finding out.


Roxanne said…
If you do turn out positive, I wonder if they can give you a trial dosage of penicillin before you go into labor to see if you are allergic. I would guess it would be easier to suffer any potential allergic side effects while you're at home and not in pain, than in the hospital during contractions. Also, they should have an alternative to penicillin altogether.
Anonymous said…
I believe you can get a skin test for penicillin allergy.

Lemony Snicket! Mike and I like to listen to the Series of Unfortunate Events books on CD when we travel down to GA and FL.
Bearette said…
Skin test - that sounds good.

Yes, I have 3 more books and then the series will be over :( They're fun, aren't they?
Poppy said…
I had a sneaking suspicion that the doctor would not be as horrible as he was made out to be. Not that doctors don't often turn out to be horrible, I just didn't see it in the cards for you, so to speak. ;)

Everyone is different about weight gain, baby in their belly or otherwise, so it's really good that he acknowledged the gain but said it was ok.
Bearette said…
I think many of the things I worry about turn out to be that way ;)
Caro said…
I'm glad your visit turned out well. I guess you didn't need to rub your eyebrow after all.
Bearette said…
Yup - no need!

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