It's funny how music can transport you to another time and place...I heard "I Wanna Dance (With Somebody Who Loves Me)" tonight and wham, I was in sixth grade. The future was so bright, Whitney had to wear shades.

Later, I was trying to listen to Carole King's "Tapestry", but that CD is marred by another, worse association. During first trimester, when I was nauseous for THREE MONTHS, one of the few things that made me feel better was listening to "Tapestry." Now I can't play the CD because it brings back that wavy, shaky, icky nauseous feeling. Sorry, Carole.

I was pleased to hear "The Right Stuff" a few days ago, though. Did you know the New Kids on the Block are reuniting? I was never a hard-core fan -- in other words, couldn't match names to faces -- but I welcome the revival of anything '80s. And I did see them open for Tiffany once (although the concert I *really* wanted to see was Def Leppard).

I remember being at a sleepover in eighth grade and all the other girls revealed which NKOTB member they had a crush on. I remained silent -- again, I wasn't sure who was who -- and felt horribly alienated from my classmates :(


Lisa said…
NKOTB was my first concert. In the eighth grade. I had a huge crush on Joey. One Halloween, I think this was also in the eighth grade, my friends and I dressed up as our favorite New Kid.

Wow, I should not drink and blog. I'm ready to reveal all my embarrassing secrets!
Bearette said…
No, by all means drink and blog! I like secrets.

I was secretly hoping everyone would reveal their NKOTB crush ;)
Anonymous said…
I too didn't get in on the NKOTB craze. I'll take Donnie's brother Mark any day, though :) Songs from the more current boy bands (NYSNC, Backstreet Boys) always take me back to high school.

As for the nausea-inducing CD, it reminds me of a certain air freshener my mom always bought (same scent all the time). First we used it to cover up bathroom smells, but soon I started associating the freshener with poop!
Silverstar said…
I officially tagged you with a meme! The instructions are to write 6 words that describe yourself with or without pictures and tag other people. Visit my blog if you need more details. :)
Bearette said…
Silver - I went over to your blog and only saw the April 13 entry (with the cake!) I wonder what's going on...In truth, though, I have done almost all memes ;)
Bearette said…
OK, now I see it...
krista said…
I know where you're coming from on the memories of music during pregnancy bringing back powerful memories of nausea. And as you know, it's not just any kind of's a special all day and all night kinda feeling. Whenever I hear "Edge of the Ocean" by Ivy I get a sudden urge to hurl.

Congratulations on the forthcoming arrival! And check my blog--I have an offer for Wondertime magazine I'm sharing.

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