It feels like there is a bowling ball in my pelvis. A heavy one. Not the kind you use with candlepin bowling. But I guess it's normal. The doctor I saw last time told me everyone has pelvic pain and everyone has back pain; the thing to worry about is if my whole stomach gets hard. That's an early contraction. I'm glad she told me that, because I had no idea what a contraction felt like.

I should tell you we had a very good dinner tonight. D was going to his doctor and so we met at this Burmese place near the doctor's office. I had steamed vegetables with peanut sauce on the side (they serve it that way :) and yellow rice which had bits of corn in it. The rice might sound iffy to you, but it worked. The dessert (which they gave us automatically) consisted of fresh orange slices.

If they were closer, I'd go there more often.


Poppy said…
Actually, that rice sounds very tasty. :)

I would not have known that about the contraction either. Something to file away for "just in case". ;)
Bearette said…
Maybe for when you have a little Poppy-Dawg?? :D
Anonymous said…
There's a Japanese place here that gives us automatic oranges for dessert too :) I don't care for the food much, but the oranges are always good.
Roxanne said…
I've heard before that the oranges are supposed to bring long life (I think that's what it was).

Maybe that's a good sign for little E. :)
blackcrag said…
He's packed up, tidied his room, and ready to move out then?

I'd better get these names out of my system then:
Esteban? (for that Spanish flavour?)
Ebenezer? (You're a Dickens fan, right?)
Errol? (After Flynn, the Golden Age of Hollwood actor?)
Elmer? (Who doesn't like Bugs Bunny and Looney Tunes?)
Enzo? (I can't think of anything for enzo, but why not?)
Bearette said…
Esteban -- how did you ever guess?? ;)
It certainly feels that way! Although my due date is still 10 weeks away.
blackcrag said…
Oh come on! Esteban is fun to say1

ESte-ban... say it with me now. ES-te-baaaan!

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