Annoying people -- can't ignore 'em, can't kill 'em

When you're pregnant, annoying people come out of the woodwork. Granted, I've heard the following so many times...

1) You're big!
2) You're so big!
3) You're big for x weeks!
4) Twins?

...that they barely penetrate.

But today, some STRANGER stopped me on the street and asked me where I was going to send E to school. I gave her the polite version of "None of your @*@#^@! business," i.e., "I'm not going to get in a discussion about schools."

Even that didn't get her to stop talking! As I walked away, she yelled after me, "Do you live here? There aren't many schools around here." I didn't tell her this, but we're planning to send E to D's school, which is not in the neighborhood, and it's still NONE OF HER BUSINESS.

So, if you see a pregnant woman (and this is not directed to my emotionally intelligent blog friends, but rather strangers who may stumble across my blog), you can smile, or leave her alone, or say, "I'm sorry about the annoying strangers you have to deal with."

I'm also told that you still look pregnant for a while after the baby comes. Does that mean I'm in for a few more months of this?

To end my venting session on a positive note -- some people are very sweet. One woman said to me today, "I hope you have a good delivery."


Anonymous said…
Do people ever touch your belly without permission? I've seen people do that to pregnant women even if they didn't know them that well. That would drive me crazy I think.
Bearette said…
YES. The worst was when D's aunt fondled my belly button. When she did that, I moved away from her.
Mz.Elle said…
Awwww,that lady was so kind!

Once when I went to get on a bus,the driver said" I should charge you double" Hardy Har Har!
It didn't bug me much though,I *was* huge,lol

That woman though,who called out after you...what nerve..and why does she care? What was her point?
I don't understand some people. It's like the minute you get pregnant,you become a pet or something.
Anonymous said…
One woman actually said to me, "Make sure you get the epidural! Before I got the epidual I wanted to SHOOT MYSELF in the HEAD!"

I was like, "I'll shoot you in the head, if you want."
Bearette said…
Ms. L - Yes! It's really weird.

Liz - I love it.
Katie said…
People are unbelievable!
This suzy said…
I think the whole thing about which school to send your kids to is probably a non-issue in the majority of places in the country. You just go to the public school. So you could always move to avoid such questions. LOL
Elsa said…
I'm not sure why people feel they can intrude on your "personal space" because your pregnant? And, like Kitkat, I don't know why people think they can just walk up to a pregnant person and touch their belly. Odd, really.
Lora said…
To reassure you. You will got get annoying invasions of your space after E emerges. With newborn in arms they firure out you are no longer pregnant and trust me you will have newborn in arms for the first 6 months. Instead you'll get all those germ infested people that touch without permission and that assume they know how to raise your child better then you do. Grrrr.
Bearette said…
Hi Lora! I'll just spray them with hand sanitizer ;)
Caro said…
I saw a pregnant woman yesterday. I so wanted to touch her belly but I resisted the urge to ask her. Someday I'll have grandkids and then I can rub my daughter's belly. She can wait a good thirteen years before I start nagging her though.
Caro said…
Oh and I'm talking about my 17 year old not my nine year old. Thought I'd better clarify that.
Bearette said…
Heheh - I figured as much ;)
Silverstar said…
Urgh! I hate it when strangers just come up to you on the street and ask you all these personal questions. Some people have no conception of manners or privacy. :)

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