Listening to Coldplay's new song "Magic." The cynical part of me can't help wondering if Chris Martin (Coldplay's lead singer) and Gwyneth Paltrow timed their breakup to generate publicity for Coldplay's new album. But regardless, it's a great song.

I also finished a great book recently...The Opposite of Maybe by Maddie Dawson.


judy in ky said…
Thanks. I need a new book to read; I will check on that one.
Bearette said…
She has another good one, too...The Stuff That Never Happened.
judy in ky said…
That one sounds good… I looked it up.
Rachel Federman said…
have we talked about The Dinner Howard Koch?
Bearette said…
No, i don't think u mentioned it...good? I think he has a new one out

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