Tap tap tap

So I moved Zoe to a different ballet slot. One of the other moms told me she was going to change her daughter to that slot because it's for kids who are 24-36 months, and our kids turned 2 a couple of months ago. It's also a little bit later in the morning, which is always a good thing. So I decided to try it.

Some of the kids are older and taller and a little bit better at following directions, but the younger kids (Zoe, Zelda and Celine) were catching on. "Parent participation is optional," the teacher said. She meant that we no longer have to model everything for the kids or move their limbs for them. And Zoe did seem eager to imitate the older kids.

Another change: the last 15 minutes of each class will be devoted to tap dancing. They had a little box of shoes for kids who didn't have them yet. After class, I went online and found a cute pair on Amazon. The size 7 1/2 shoes she wore in class were a little too big, so I ordered a size 7. And I didn't have to pay anything, because I was able to use my Amazon points. (I have an Amazon credit card and the points pile up.)

The sound of 10 girls tap dancing is pretty cacophonous. But I think Zoe enjoyed it. And she was intrigued by the metal plates on the bottoms of her shoes.


judy in ky said…
I would like to see all those little girls tap dancing! It must be so cute.
Maybe I need to get an Amazon credit card; I shop there a lot.
Bearette said…
Yes, it's definitely worth it!
Suzy Q said…
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This Suzy said…
Sounds like I should get an Amazon card too!

I took tap for a few years in elementary school. I always loved the sounds that my tap shoes made!

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