Reading a really good nonfiction book by Elinor Lipman - a collection of essays, most of them previously published, called I Can't Complain. One of the pieces appeared in the Boston Globe - an (erroneous) prediction of how Sex and the City would end, but she did neatly encapsulate the charm of the show - "a paper-moon land sans parents, inhibitions or comfortable shoes." She also described Aidan as a "hunky cabinetmaker," reminding me that he was my favorite of Carrie's boyfriends. Did anyone else find Big not appealing at all? Smarmy? Aidan was so sincere and genuine.


Domestic Kate said…
I wasn't a devout fan, but I too hated Mr. Big. He was gross and hard to watch going from Law & Order to Sex and the City. Aidan was the best.
Bearette said…
I'm glad someone else feels the same!
judy in ky said…
I wholeheartedly agree! I never saw the charm in Mr. Big. Other than I guess he was wealthy. Aiden much more appealing.
Laura said…
I was never a big Sex and the City fan, but after Carrie cheated on Aidan I stopped watching. He was such a nice guy.
Rachel Federman said…
didn't like Big but found Aidan such a gentle/sensitive/ impotent seeming guy I couldn't stand him

(tho like others, i never forgave her for cheating on him)

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