Fearless child

I'm sure I have talked about this before, but it keeps reaching new heights. E was a fairly cautious child; even at age 2, he was afraid to go down the "curly slide." Z immediately goes to the tallest, scariest curly slide and plunges right down. Until last night, D had an exercise bike in the living room and she would use it as a stepping stone to climb onto the windowsill. He moved the bike to E's room and shut the door. This morning, I saw her eyeing the windowsill - How can I get up there? After a few seconds, she pulled over one of the little green chairs from E's little blue table and used it to climb onto the windowsill. (She also, unfortunately, has long legs, so she can climb pretty much everything.)

I don't really know what to do about fearless child syndrome. I try taking her to the playroom a lot, where the windows don't really have sills, but that gets boring after a while. I guess all I can do is hope that it will pass?


Rachel Federman said…
I can totally relate. it is NOT EASY!! (altho wally oddly became risk averse around 3.5/4...before that it was really, really difficult. no fear, didn't feel pain, cold or hunger so there was just no stopping him. i think it's more rare for a girl. you have bars on the windows - right????)
judy in ky said…
Maybe E will look after her.
Bearette said…
Rachel - yes, thank goodness. She is also a little Houdini - has figured out how to get out of her stroller with the straps fastened (stand up, then slip out).

Judy - he tries to boss her around, telling her not to do dangerous things, but she just giggles.

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