Piano tuners

So I'm reading Winter Journal by Paul Auster - he usually writes fiction, but this is a memoir. It's written in the second person, but it's about his life. I came across this passage:

"You arranged for someone to come and tune the out-of-tune piano, which had not been played in years A blind man showed up the next day (you have rarely met a piano tuner who is not blind)..."

Are piano tuners really usually blind? Anyone have experience with them?

I had a happy childhood, but two regrets: I wish I took piano lessons, and ballet.


You can still learn to play the piano and take ballet lessons...
Bearette said…
I don't know if this old body can handle ballet. But probably piano.
Rachel Federman said…
People who were forced to take piano do always seem happy about it later on.
Bearette said…
Hehe...i never noticed that forced-piano effect.
Unknown said…
Blinds are a great piano tuner cause they rely on their sense of sound. Their senses are more sensitive than ours. I know the basics of playing a piano but didn't have the time to go further with it.
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