I have a cookbook that's coming apart at the seams - the binding is broken, and the 400+ age-spotted and crumb-specked pages are separated into little packets. It's Vegetarian Planet by Didi Emmons. (The funny thing is, my mother has a copy in virgin condition.) Do you have any cookbooks like that? They are probably the best ones.


Let's just say, I have some that are dog eared, yes, some spills as well. The ones w/the 'damage' are obviously the ones that are being used.
Does your mom have a bookholder w/a spillguard over hers? Wish I had one!
Domestic Kate said…
I've only ever used a few cookbooks. After a short time, I don't like them anymore or I've memorized/modified them and just don't need them. I had one that I really liked, but about a year ago, some insect that apparently really liked paper got into all my cookbooks and recipe cards, so I had to ditch them.
Bearette said…
Kalei - i think she just doesn't use it much :)

Kate - dang insects.
judy in ky said…
My old, original Joy of Cooking is like that.

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