Sweet potato veggie burger

So today I made a sweet potato veggie burger, with a little avocado sliced on top.

You can find the recipe here.


Kalei's Best Friend said…
I love sweet potatoes!.. this looks good. btw do u have a trader joe's? if so try the sweet potato tortilla chips, they are to die for!
Bearette said…
We do! I'll check them out.
Kalei's Best Friend said…
i follow this guy:

i saw these and almost got these. i've got a bag of tj's organic popcorn and those chips i told u about, to be history.
judy in ky said…
I love this! Not only just this recipe, but the whole web site. I have been looking for some vegetarian/vegan recipes, and this looks like a great source. I will be using these!

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