
Still reading Making Piece and it is making me want to bake pies! Someday, when I have more time, I will do it. There is a banana cream pie from Vegetarian Planet that I used to make, and also a sweet potato pie from the same cookbook. It was the first time I'd ever had sweet potato pie, and it was delicious. The banana cream pie is also fantastic. You can add a thin layer of melted chocolate under the custard, on top of the crust, but I found you never needed it.

This is an apple pie I've been intending to make for a while.

I'm getting increasingly mixed feelings about Facebook. It's a good way for me to stay in touch with people who are far-flung geographically, but it does seem like a lot of people brag on there (and it's not necessarily a realistic representation of their lives). I get fed up with things that are fake. Yet, I'm not ready to deactivate my account. Maybe I will just use it primarily to put up pictures and not spend too much time on there.


judy in ky said…
I have mixed feelings about Facebook too, but it is good for keeping up with my faraway friends, especially those who don't blog. (and I enjoy your photos)
Bearette said…
thanks! yes, i agree, it's good for interacting with people you don't get to see much in "real life."
Rachel said…
you know my mixed feelings already

you read and write a ton so it doesn't seem like Facebook is taking you away from more worthwhile stuff, or at least not to any significant degree

let's do pie baking contests without the contests part really soon
Bearette said…
hehe. it's a deal.
judy in ky said…
Now I'm hungry for pie!
Lisa said…
Totally craving pie now!

I've been thinking about taking a break from Facebook because it just makes me feel bad about myself! I'm happy for my friends and family when good things happen to them, but the bragging from distant acquaintances is getting annoying.
Anonymous said…
Straight to the point and well written! Why can't everyone else be like this?

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