So I don't usually do this, but I am reading two books - both nonfiction, go figure. This one is called Mrs. Kennedy and Me. I really like it so far. It's written by the Secret Service agent who was assigned to Mrs. Kennedy in 1960. At first he was disappointed not to be assigned to JFK's detail, but then he formed a close bond with the First Lady. About 20 pages in, I have already learned a number of interesting tidbits about her - she was 5'7" (the same height as me) and had a "soft, breathy voice" (rather like Marilyn Monroe, I imagine). He also says that she was "more intuitive and in control than her public image suggested."


judy in ky said…
Have you ever seen a video of Jackie Kennedy doing her famous TV tour of the White House? Her soft, breathy voice was quite noticeable.
Bearette said…
no, i haven't. i realize i've never heard her speak, just seen photos.
Rachel said…
you're so good about focusing on one book at a time. i've never had less than 10 or 12...and still get more every week at library. very ADD. it's annoying.

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