Are we having fun yet?

So we arrived in Disney World after a fairly uneventful flight. Z didn't fuss much. I was able to get her to sleep in the Ergo. Unfortunately, there was some turbulence and they felt compelled to make a super-loud announcement about it (as if we hadn't noticed). The announcement was actually more annoying than the (mild) turbulence, and woke Z up. Still, she was okay. We got to our hotel, which was not as pretty as I remembered from when we came in 2000, and then we went to the Magic Kingdom, which was a ZOO FROM HELL. I remembered it as a quaint, charming place. This time it's full of thumping techno music, performers leaping in the air, and CROWDS. This place is more crowded than Manhattan. I'm not exaggerating. I wish I were.

Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better (or at least another) day.


Poppy said…
If I recall correctly, Magic Kingdom is where some heathen child jumped backwards onto me. It wouldn't have been so bad if she wasn't soaking wet from (SOMETHING) and got me wet. It was DISGUSTING.

Universal Studios and EPCOT are more my thing...
Bearette said…
Oh god...nothing worse than mysterious wetness.
judy in ky said…
Did you see the fracas that occurred at Disneyland (in California) the other day? Some large man was being disruptive and a security guard was repeatedly spraying pepper spray in his face. The bystanders were being ridiculous, aping for the camera. At least you weren't there!
I really do hope the crowds let up for you so you can enjoy it.
Bearette said…
Thanks, Judy. I got used to the crowds (and they did seem to be worst on Monday). But i'm looking forward to getting back to new york, where things are calmer! still, the weather is beautiful, and it's nice to see the palm trees near the hotel...
Orange Drummer said…
I remember it being quaint, too. That whole main street thing was supposed to have the quintessential small-town America thing going.

Was tomorrow a better day?
Bearette said…
i started having a good time on thursday :)
Orange Drummer said…
Glad it happened eventually.

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