So I went to the doctor today. My ultrasounds (at an imaging center) and ob/gyn visits (at the doctor's office) always fall on the same week. My doctor was completely unconcerned about the whole placenta thing. She says not to worry about it until 28 weeks, because most low placentas will spontaneously resolve by then. They will just keep checking every 4 weeks until then to see if it has moved up. (I'm currently 16 1/2 weeks.) If it stays low through 28 weeks, it will mean a c-section, but it would be given at 39 weeks, not 36 weeks as I had feared from my online reading. (Note to self: do not google medical information!) And no bed rest unless there was bleeding. You might think, "Bed rest sounds good," but I am sure I would go out of my !#%*^ mind. A friend of mine was on bed rest once. She had moved to Texas years before and although we stayed in touch via email, we seldom talked on the phone (I'm not really a phone person and perhaps neither is she). During her bed rest, she called me about 8 times. I would have to watch TV and I hate TV. Anyway.

A confession here. I am really psyched that it is a girl! I would have been happy for a boy too, but with a girl, I will get to experience some things I never experienced before. Such as: a pink Barbie cruise ship! I know, I know. But there's one in the playroom and I've secretly coveted it for ages.


She is right, your body is constantly changing.. Take it easy.. Think positive...I remember when I was 35 and had to have an amnio..They kept insisting my eggs were dying.. they threw albums at me to look at photos of what a baby looks at full term w/issues... I refused to think that I would give birth to a child w/defects.. I had two girls who were healthy.. Well guess what! I gave birth to a healthy boy!. so much for their statistics.. I had an issue where I had passed a clot during my pregnancy and my doctor said it had to do w/the placenta rubbing.. well, I was worried and he wasn't.. So have faith in your doc.
judy in ky said…
Maybe no T.V. but you could read everything! I'm not a phone person either.

A girl will be so much fun. I have three sisters and four nieces, so I should know.
Bearette said…
Yeah, i probably won't have to go on it anyway. It's just good to express things here. I agree!
Poppy said…
If you end up on bed rest, what about getting a Nook or Kindle so you can keep getting books to read without having to leave the building?
Bearette said…
That's a good idea.
Anonymous said…
a girl- how exciting!! will you consider using the girl name you had picked out for E, or does it feel like that name belongs to the first first pregnancy?

(this is Beth D.- took me three tries to publish this- can't even remember my blogger sign-in anymore!)
Bearette said…
Hi Beth D :) No, we'd use a new name. Ginger seems really silly now :)
Bearette said…
We're still trying to figure out what that new name will be...I have a top contender but D is thinking about it...kind of a pain how you have to agree!
Carolyn said…
Agreed it is a pain on having to agree on a name. I always felt since I did most of the work, I should have naming rights. lol

And congratulations! A girl woo-hoot!

And OT, did you get a kitten?
Bearette said…
Yes, the carrier/deliverer should have naming rights! ;)

No, no kitten, just like the pic. E likes to look at pics of animals.

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