So...I found out that it's a girl. At first I giggled in disbelief. A lot of the parents I know have 2 boys or 2 girls, so even though a lot of people were saying it was a girl, I wasn't sure. It will be nice to have variety, although I would have loved a little boy too. I think they are huggable teddy bears and it would have been a nice buddy for E. Hopefully he will like having a sister too.

The one downside is that my placenta is low. It's like this in 15-20% of women at this stage. 95% of the time, it resolves itself as the uterus grows. But if it doesn't resolve, I will need to get a C-section.


This Suzy said…
Congrats on the baby girl!! That's so cool that you'll have one of each. Now you'll have to keep us posted on names... :)
Anonymous said…
Sweet! All the pink you can stand! Normally, when I find out that friends are having baby girls, I always tell them that Kate/Katie is a good name, but I suppose you already know that :-)
Bearette said…
Haha - thanks! I'm now stressing out about the placenta; I stupidly went online and read about it. But I need to chill because it's only at 20 weeks that they start to get concerned about it.
Word verification: train
I was told NOT to google medical stuff.. I googled an issue I thought I had and I was totally wrong.. I've had doctors tell me not to google- a lot of mis info is out there..Info could be right but should be taken w/a grain of salt.. because your traits may not be that textbook... Keep positive.. I carried low and was able to have a vaginal delivery.
Bearette said…
Thanks Kalei. I'm glad it worked out for you. I really shouldn't have googled, but i was weak.
judy in ky said…
Wow, a girl! That's great. It's nice to have one of each, though I know either would be fine. I hope you don't worry too much. My sister is a doctor, and she gives me a lecture every time I google something of a medical nature. So far, she has been right, my fears have been unfounded, proving her right.
Poppy said…
Congratulations on the girl! That will definitely be an interesting change, like having a first baby all over again, but not really. I hope she likes Elmo! :D
Bearette said…
It's funny, Eric has largely let go of Elmo, but still has some affection for him.
Bearette said…
Judy - I'm starting to relax now :) Hopefully it will all just square away at 20 weeks...

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