idea if I'll follow through with this or not...I was thinking about seeing how long I could go without buying clothes, yarn or books. I'm going to give it a try.

Today I watched The Last Days of Disco, directed by Walt Stillman. I think Chloe Sevigny is always good (although she definitely has an edge) and the director had a good feel for the ups/downs of female friendships, and their competitiveness, particularly in the early 20s. I also liked Metropolitan from the same director. So I added Barcelona (his third film) to my Netflix queue.

The baby question? I am kind of leaning toward yes. But I'm giving myself a number of months to think about it.


Caro said…
Well you could always go to the library for books, but there is no clothes or yarn library! Good luck.
Bearette said…
True ;) I did go on a yarn spree last weekend, which kind of triggered this whole thought process. We'll see how it goes...
SK said…
Yay, more babies (maybe) :) You guys make very cute babies!

Before I moved here I used to try to go on "no-buys" but I always failed. Now I almost feel like I can't find anything I want to buy and things are so expensive here so I'm on a different type of restriction. I "window" shop online knowing it would be a pain to try and buy something (I can always have it shipped to my mom and have her send it). I haven't bought a clothes in three months and that's a first for me. I'm insanely addicted to buying items for my kitchen now so maybe I should try to stop there.
Good luck!
Bearette said…
Thanks! I think the books will be the hardest, but I'm trying to make friends with the library :)
This Suzy said…
What does D think about a second baby?
Bearette said…
He's ready for another. I have just been dragging my feet a bit because it changes the woman's life more, imo...but i do love babies.

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