Insomnia again

Hello. For some reason, I'm having trouble sleeping again. Which is the very reason I started this blog back in 2005.

Anyway...I made it through 500+ pages of Outlander and then had to drop it in the library bin after all the grotesque violence Jamie had to endure in prison. I couldn't deal with the description of his mangled right hand. Or the nefarious Captain Randall, who was just too thoroughly evil to be believable. So...bye-bye, Outlander. I am now reading No One You Know by Michelle Redmond and enjoying it quite a bit. It feels like my type of book. exterminator came today. He surveyed the kitchen cabinets and said, "This is serious. I'll come back next Wednesday with a bomb." Yes, he really did say that. So our kitchen will be bombed a week hence, and no one can be in the house for 3-4 hours afterward. Then we can go in and sweep up the dead bodies, he told us.


Perplexio said…
Wow, that is serious... Bombs away!
Bearette said…
Yes :) I am kind of apprehensive, but it definitely needs to be done...
judy in ky said…
I, too, tried reading Outlander years ago, and had to drop it. Not my thing either.

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