So I just saw Eat Pray Love with my friend T. First we had a delicious lunch. They bring you a basket of small corn muffins, which were the nice crumbly yet moist kind, and then I had a salad with apples, walnuts, gorgonzola melted on little toasts, and honey-Dijon dressing. It was as good as it sounds.

In the movie, Julia Roberts first goes to Indonesia to see Ketut (a "wise man"), then back to New York, then to Italy, India and finally Bali. I thought Bali was fantastically beautiful. I kind of want to go there, but it is probably a 14-hour flight.


have u read the book? every woman should read it.. its phenomenal- a real coming of age.
Bearette said…
I did, I liked it a lot.
This Suzy said…
How did the movie compare to the book?
Bearette said…
Suzy - it's hard to say. I read the book 3 years ago, so I don't remember it too well. I did like the movie, though I think it dwelled too much on the sad parts of Elizabeth Gilbert's life. I also found Richard from Texas annoying. But the Brazilian lover...pretty cool :)
judy in ky said…
I was a little aggravated when I read the book about her going on and on and on about her emotions. A reviewer in People magazine called it "navel-gazing". But I liked the book for the traveling part. It gave me wander lust.
Bearette said…
Me too! I would like to go to Indonesia someday. I guess there was some self-absorption in the book/movie, but she did help that Indonesian woman and her child get a house, so i liked that.

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