Grr. I just read a book I really didn't like. Ever read a book you want to erase? This one was called You Lost Me There, by Rosecrans Baldwin.

A while back I had been thinking of getting a tarot reading. Finally, I went. I actually did think the reading was accurate and I got a lot out of it. I doubt she was psychic or anything, I think she was just good at reading people and able to give common-sense advice. So it was helpful. Among other things, she advised me to get back into writing. So I've been doing some, and enjoying it.

I've been thinking a bit about various Internet time-wasters. I don't count this blog among them. But I think, other than blogging, I'll be cutting back on my Internet time.


Anonymous said…
I applaud you for wanting to cut back on internet time! I'm trying to as well. Facebook is definitely getting the better of me. I was inspired by this blog: She takes a digital sabbatical each weekend (every Friday she links to the original digital sabbatical story if you want to read about it).
BabelBabe said…
i almost requested that from the library. so now I don't have to. thanks : )
Bearette said…
Domestic Kate - Yes, I'm going to cut waaay back on Facebook.

BB - You're welcome :) You saved me from that 9/11 movie, after all.
judy in ky said…
I kind of felt that way about The Dome by Stephen King. I should have known better than to try reading Stephen King.
Bearette said…
That's funny, 'cause I used to like him back in the day. But I think I had to stop reading him in 1993. The Stand (1978) was good, though.

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