I feel like once you have a kid, you're terminally uncool.

A friend of mine on Facebook wrote that Lady Gaga and Dali are similar - "disgusting minds but amazingly talented." Now, this friend is the same age. I met him in college. But he is gay and single and hip. I change diapers.

I thought, Who is Lady Gaga? I (gulp) looked her up on Wikipedia. Wikipedia helpfully told me about her most popular songs. I went to iTunes and bought one of them. Then I mentioned on Facebook that I liked it, and it came out that I had never heard it before today.

Immediately my sister wrote: "Seriously? You just heard it for the first time?" Then my cousin/godmother, who is in her fifties, wrote: "Bearette, are you living underground in the Big Apple? Even your old godmother hears Lady Gaga all the time."

Yup. Terminally uncool.

I think I'll put on some Ben-Gay and go to sleep.


Lora said…
-It's amazing what living in a childcare fog does to your hipness factor. Don't worry, I'een assured that exentually it will come back, at least partly.
judy in ky said…
I don't know who Lady Gaga is, either. Actually, I am rather proud of that fact!
Bearette said…
Well, now my entire family (brother, cousins, sister) has told me how uncool how I am on Facebook :) Guess I better hide over here ;)
judy in ky said…
I guess I am past the age where being "cool" doesn't matter any more! Don't worry, I will hang out over here with you.
Poppy said…
I think you live life rather than living vicariously through others. I personally think you are very cool.
Bearette said…
Thank you, Poppy :)
Anonymous said…
I only know one Lady Gaga song- Just Dance (I think that's the title). And I only know it because it was played at a wedding we attended last month. So don't feel bad.
BabelBabe said…
i only know Gaga due to zumba class music. and I think you are very cool. after all, living in NYC makes you inherently cool...
Caro said…
I never was cool so it was easier on me. XD
judy in ky said…
Happy Thanksgiving, Bearette, D, and E.
Bearette said…
Thanks, Judy. I hope you had a good one, too.
Perplexio said…
It's incredible what a wonderful timesuck parenthood can be. There are some things I miss, but the experiences I'm having with my daughter in place of the things I'm missing... Well what I'm missing doesn't seem so important any more.
Yousef said…
I agree with Poppy. I think following celebrities is a waste of time. I can't stand shows like TMZ, Access Hollywood, and whatnot. So a celebrity got caught on camera doing something everyday people do. So what? They're people too. You don't see press following me when I go grocery shopping. Those shows and reality shows are the worst. I got my own life to live, I'm not going to worry about the rich and famous.

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