Tonight I made brownies from scratch. The last two times I made brownies, they were from a package. It's probably not surprising, but these were vastly superior. Even the part you lick from the bowl was better. The link is here.
At the risk that you'll all think I'm nuts...but heck. I was getting cauliflower ready for dinner and it occurred to me that vegetables have different personalities. In my mind, anyway. Zucchini: the most agreeable of vegetables. It blends in with everyone, but it's never obsequious or false to itself. Sweet potatoes: the grandmother of vegetables. Very cozy and welcoming. Cauliflower: kind of bland, devoid of personality, but it could surprise you sometimes. Like a dull guy who occasionally tells a funny joke at the water cooler. Broccoli: feisty. Like a terrier. Spinach: kind of dour, but a loyal friend. Kale: has a fierce sense of individuality, but like spinach, is a loyal friend. Kale's affections last for life. Corn: this one is kind of a party animal. Corn is still drinking beer and making a mess when you'd like to be closing up. Tomatoes: a little sloppy. The kind of vegetable that needs to be reminded to tuck its shirt into its pants. Cabbage: not invited t...
So I went to knitting class today. It was a lot of fun. The knitting cafe was buried deep in the Village, further south than I tend to go, but I found it after a little bit of exploring. The cafe itself was just adorable. Their motto is the title of this post. There was a counter where they sold brownies, tea and other goodies (my attention was caught and held by the nice, thick, chocolatey brownies). Two other women showed up for the class. One of them just got a part in a student-written play (she was maybe in her 40s) and had to knit in a scene while arguing with her husband. She wanted to be able to knit convincingly. The instructor commended her for this, noting that often in the movies when people are supposed to be knitting, they're not doing it right and it takes her out of the story ;) Knitting is surprisingly easy if someone teaches you live. As the teacher put it, "Everyone walks out a knitter." I had my doubts at first, because the Internet instructions weren...
So I did a little more work on the scarf I started yesterday, and began a new one. Some of you may recognize the darker pink yarn I took a picture of before. It's harder to work with than the light pink yarn, but I'm getting used to it. The light pink yarn is like an obedient little child, while the darker pink yarn likes to run around and rip up the playground. I can't wait to learn about sweaters and hats!