So today I saw E holding hands with his little girlfriend at school...just about broke my heart. I'm thinking of getting her mother's email address so they can still hang out. They are adorable together.

I took E to his playgroup today (usually a babysitter takes him; it's once a week, pretty far downtown). For some reason, I decided walking all the way there was a good idea. E was sleeping in his stroller and I figured he'd get the full nap that way. And he did. BUT it must have been 3 or 4 miles. I was about to fall over when I got there.

On the way back we took the subway. There was an elevator at our starting point, but not at the endpoint. So I took E out of his stroller and was about to lug it up the stairs (with Z in the carrier, strapped to my chest). It was awkward but manageable. Still, I was delighted when two people offered to help and carried the empty stroller up the stairs for me. I love it when people are nice.


judy in ky said…
I love it when people are nice, too. When I worked in Philadelphia I took the stairs every day from the underground train station to street level. There were many times when I saw people stop to help someone up or down those stairs.
By the way, I have a feeling your little boy will have a lot of girlfriends in his lifetime... he looks like a charmer.
Bearette said…
I hope so :) There is something special about the first one, though. I remember this boy I was in love with when I was 4 or so. I wrote him a love letter. My mother left off the stamp, thinking it might embarrass me later. But I insisted on putting it in the mailbox.
This Suzy said…
Yay for nice people! That's why I try to do nice things when I have the chance. What goes around comes around, right?

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