So I was relieved that my placenta moved...but I did get a bit of a weight lecture. My weight in itself is not horrifying (I now weigh 2 lbs more than my niece, who is the same height) but the doctor was un-thrilled that I gained 7 lbs in a month. (I didn't clue her in that I gained 10 lbs in a week, fairly late in the pregnancy with E). My last doc, who now lives in California, didn't care that I gained 47 lbs with E. "I gained 50 lbs and I'm 5 feet tall! You're 5'7"! I am not worried," she declared. This one said she wouldn't yell at me about weight gain, but it could lead to a difficult labor. Hitting me where I live. So I have cut out onion rings, potato chips and milkshakes. I am still eating chocolate granola bars and sometimes, sweet potato fries. I am only human, after all.

I'm reading Groundswell, written by Billy Joel's (estranged) wife Katie Lee. It's fun. Before that I was reading To Be Sung Underwater, which was well-written but I realized I didn't like the protagonist at all.


I remember gaining 5 lbs. every visit.. By the second tri mester they made me see a nutritionist that told me how to eat.. They had play food and showed me how much to eat.. btw, that pregnancy brought a 9 lb. baby.. I was fine... In those days they were concerned w/diabetes... I was starving in the first tri... I think u will be fine.. You're tall.. I think these doctors just want to cover their ass, they don't realize we aren't text book patients!. :-)
Bearette said…
Yeah, she mentioned increased risk of diabetes too. But I didn't get it with e. i think you are right, there is a certain amount of CYA going on.
I have always felt that we are our best judge when it comes to medical..Go w/your gut feeling..When I was 35 they insisted I have an amnio because they say your 'eggs start dying' at that age.. I told them I had 2 healthy pregnancies.. The test caused a lot of anxiety..I beat their stats and had a healthy boy.
This Suzy said…
I agree that you have to go with your gut - literally in this case! I wouldn't worry about it too much.

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