So I went today for an ultrasound placenta has moved. Completely. They're not worried about it anymore. And the technician told me, "It's still a girl." Good to know...

She also told me she weighs 13 ounces (the fetus, not the technician). When I got home, I looked up "20 weeks" on and learned that the average weight at this age is 10 1/2 ounces. So, I think she may be a biggie. E was 8 pounds.


So, she could be a 9 lb'er... my son was and I had him vaginally.. BTW did u carry low w/the first in the last tri mester? I carried low w/two of them in the last tri and delivered them fast.. the last one was 1 hr. the other was 1 1/2....
Bearette said…
I would have loved a short labor like that. I don't think E was low...8 hrs of labor, urgh.
My first was 8... with each pregnancy labor speeds up.. believe me..
Bearette said…
thank god...
Carolyn said…
Hooray for a moved placenta! That is probably the strangest comment I have ever made.
Bearette said…
Thanks :) There is something inherently strange about placentas...

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