So today I got together with a friend I hadn't seen in 10 years. She helped me move to New York. I remember I moved on Memorial Day weekend in I got one of the last U-Haul trucks available. We had to take a train to a remote field to pick it up, and it seemed to be hanging together on a spit and a prayer. And then I drove that thing over the Triborough Bridge through the Bronx and into Manhattan. The beginning of an era.

My friend was refreshingly the same...though in some respects, we are both older and wiser. We've been in contact for a while, and during some of those lost years, she lived in Colombia and China. We went to Veselka, everyone's favorite Ukrainian diner (apparently not Polish, as I had thought) where I noshed on a veggie burger with sweet potato fries and avocado-wasabi mayonnaise and she got a turkey Cobb salad. (I am still adjusting to the fact that she is no longer vegetarian.)

She met E for the first time, and I think it was safe to say she was enchanted...both with his curly hair and the way he leaned against her as he sipped from his bottle. I have (sshh!! very tentative, people!) been thinking about having another child. No time soon. Maybe a year from now. Maybe not. I love children but....I would like a better sleeper this time. Maybe one of those little bundles who sleeps through the night at 7 weeks with no parental intervention. Because they're out there, I've heard of them.


Perplexio said…
Hi... It's been awhile since I popped in here. I used to be a bit of a regular reader.

BTW, it's cool that you've reconnected with an old friend like that. When I was out east visiting my family back in July I contacted an old high school friend that I hadn't seen since my high school graduation party over 15 years ago.
Bearette said…
Hi! Yes, very cool. She and I had been in touch via email/text for a while, but it was the first face-to-face meeting in 10 years...
believe me the second one is different.. i know ours was.. the first one, i admit we both had not a clue.. we were overwhelmed.. all the books and info went out the window...the second one, was a piece of cake...
Bearette said…
Wow! I'm glad to hear that. The piece of cake bit. Do you have three children total?
yep three...two are adults now, last is a boy and he's gonna be 20... omg, boys are very gets easier w/each one i had...
Caro said…
I have wanted to ask you many times if you were having another baby, since clearly you have beautiful children. But it didn't seem a polite question. If you have another baby and he/she is half as gorgeous as E, you will still have a child worthy of a modeling contract.
Bearette said…
Thank you :) I'm still not sure, since I'm a sleep wimp.
Anonymous said…
I don't know how parents do it with two very little ones (still in diapers, not sleeping all night, etc.). I think it's probably good for your sanity that you haven't been in a hurry to have a second. I always wanted a sibling that went to school with me (mine were too much older), but now that I'm around couples with babies, my views have changed :-) Well, if/when it happens for you, I'm sure E will make a great big brother.
BabelBabe said…
yep, like Bigfoot and Nessie.
Bearette said…
Ah...mythical :)

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