Yellow hat

So here is the hat I just finished. It's the first time I've knitted something yellow.

I'm also reading a book by Jane Green, called Promises to Keep. Her books are always like a warm bath.


What a pretty color! the tiny star like stitch makes it look like a flower...
Caro said…
Oh wow I love it , Can I order one?
Bearette said…
Thanks guys :)

Caro - but you are in Canada, right??
Poppy said…
LOVE it! I think it's the saturation level plus the pattern at the same time that make it so awesome.
i just read the synopsis to the book u are reading.. looks like a sad one- which means a good one for me... i love books that have feeling and insight into people's character.
Anonymous said…
love it. is the pattern on ravelry?
- Babelbabe
Bearette said…
It is :) It's called Butterfly Hat.
This suzy said…
That's a beautiful hat!
Bearette said…
Thanks, Suzy :) How are things going? I love your new apartment. It looks way bigger than most apartments in New York.
Tracy said…
Super Cute!!!

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